Fiplus Panel pools are panel pool systems made by creating very strong and healthy pool side walls with Fibercement sheets developed by 100% Turkish engineers and produced with domestic materials. Other system parts The galvanized steel rear leg system is completed with specially manufactured aluminum intermediate and connection parts. In this way, high strength is provided in the skeleton structure.

%100 Sealing
The inner liner coating of prefabricated pools is produced according to the dimensions of the pool and comes in a single piece, ensuring absolute sealing. Thanks to these superior features; Since the 2000s in Europe, prefabricated pool systems have surpassed conventional reinforced concrete pools and have captured almost the entire European market.

Body as Strong as Concrete
Fibercement boards, which are the most important part of the load-bearing side walls of our pools, are the product closest to concrete. The structure of the fiber cement panels we use in the Fipool Panel pool; It is made from a mixture of silica sand, cement and binders through a process and is put on the market after being baked. Silica sand is the main raw material of glass. The ability of glass to withstand atmospheric effects is also present in fibercement plates.

Strong Crossed Feet
Our patented Cross Legs construction provides 100% support to your pool walls and pool deck without internal or external pressures. The principle of Time Tested Engineering, perfected over the years, has been validated in a special Engineering Report prepared by an independent engineering firm, proving that it is what we claim it to be.

Steel reinforced multi-purpose carrier legs made of galvanized steel sheet from a specially made mold can be used at any point. A pool is made at the desired height by cutting it.
Thanks to the oval hole apparatus at the back end of the H legs, the wall panels are plumbed and fixed. Under the upper U profile Thanks to the L-shaped and oval hole level adjustment apparatus, the U profile on which the handle stone will be placed is leveled millimetrically. These features It does not exist in any other system.
It is a specially twisted U profile made of galvanized steel. It is mounted with a gun on the floor concrete poured at full elevation.
On-site installation of Fipool pool panels is very easy and fast. Since it is prefabricated, the possibility of making mistakes is zero. Experienced It can be assembled in a short time by personnel.
Steel rods fix the cross legs and the pool wall to the ground.
A permanent foundation is created by pouring a concrete base around the pool.
There is no size or size limitation in our Fipool pool systems. Production can be done in any size, form and size you want. The prefabricated panel pool systems we apply; The technology used in the construction of swimming pools is based on the principle of minimizing costs by constructing pools of the desired shapes and sizes, with all their functions, in the most durable way and in the shortest time.